DX TM1638 Display

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Revision as of 01:03, 26 April 2013 by Joosteto (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I'm using the Hamster code from [http://hamsterworks.co.nz/mediawiki/index.php/Dx_display], and it works. Looks like the pinning of the DX display cable as described by Hamster …")
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I'm using the Hamster code from [1], and it works.

Looks like the pinning of the DX display cable as described by Hamster has changed (or was wrong). The silkscreen on my DX display looks like this:

Gnd Vcc

So it looks like hamster's pinning has DIO/Data and CLK swapped, and the even Strobes were off by 2. Also, it's Strobe0 that controls this board (not Strobe1), the other strobes pass through to the 'out' connector.

I notice that after I power down my papilio board (and the TM1638), I have to send the .bit file several times to the board. Strange.

I'm using this constraints.ucf file for my papilio board:

# Crystal Clock - use 32MHz onboard oscillator
NET "clk" LOC = "P89" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS25 | PERIOD = 31.25ns ;

NET "d_data"   LOC = "P86" | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; 
NET "d_clk"    LOC = "P85" | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; 
NET "d_strobe" LOC = "P84" | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; 

But other than that, Hamsters code works.